A close study of Siddha Medical works reveals that the first prayer offered by Siddhas is to the Supreme Lord of the Uni-verse (Sakti-Siva) as their Guru for granting them the know-ledge about sacred Muppu the primordial salt, the charac-teristics of which are described as the basic constituents of five elements. There are r. ore than forty kinds of processes described in symbolic words about the preparation of Muppu for which one must be provided with a key to unlock the meaning of the secret processes. It is therefore said that even Siddhars are forbidden to reveal the secret of Muppu to anyone. It is to be imparted only to deserving disciples by Supreme Mother, Sakti, as per instructions of the Supreme- Guru Siva.
The answer is derived from the word "Muppu'. It is a Tamil word which means the union of three salts namely
(1) 'Pooneeru'
(2) 'Kalluppu'
(3) Vediyuppu.
These salts are also described as Sun, Moon and Fire.
(1) Pooneeru : ANDAKKALS certain species of lime stones composed of globules are said to be found underneath the fullers earth soil, A white substance that bubbles out from these lime stones during the full moon night attracted the Siddhas. It was collected on a full moon night once in a particular month of a year and purified with a juice of Kalpa plant. A special water by name 'Amuri' was also used in the purification process. This maybe defined for our purpose here as a special kind of fullers earth.
Great virtue is attributed to these lime stones as the fluid derived on the full moon night is reputed to contain certain active; principles for alchemical process of Kalpa drugs. 'Amuri' is a Tamil word and it denotes a sacred water like ambrosia (Amirdha). A reputed master of this divine art says that a great virtue is. attributed to Amuri water as it is obtained on account of the conjunction of seven- seas with the permission granted by the" spiritual Master. Unfortunately the term Amuri conveys efferent meanings in Siddha philosophy such as the urine of goats, HOES, cows, and even of human beings, and water from the mist, liquor, amni, white albumin of egg, mother's milk etc. is also the case with other terms used by Sidebars in tbe pro¬cess of the preparation of Muppu and therefore tbis subject is always controversial, among the physicians, Accordingly, as different physicians have put different interpretations on these terms, some even using human urine in tbe preparation of Muppu, it is very regretful that they have not achieved any fruitful result in their attempt of preparing Muppu, owing to their wrong interpretations. It is also said to be equally fantastic
*Vide the hermetic and alchemical writings of Paracelsus, the, grear
that Sadhu Manikaseevan who is considered to be well versed in Siddha philosophy should say is in his book "Who knows that?" in Tamil, that the terms Pooneer and Amuri are nothing but human hair and the mother's milk respectively and that he had found these meanings from his personal experience in the preparation of Muppu.
Just under the surface of the clay soil, the fullers' earth deposits either in calcareous or bentonitic form are found lying between sand stones. Such deposits are mentioned in Bogar Siddha Works. In order to collect the Pooneeru, the author had one chance in the year 1960 to go to a place Makudam Chavadi (Macdonald's Choultry) a river bed situated in Salem District, Madras. He was assisted by some of the prominent members of the Siddha Medical Association, Rasipuram (J. L. Anan-thayyar and R. Gopal) in collecting the liquid material that emanated from the egg like stones (Andakkal) during a moon¬lit night. It was like the hunter's expedition at the dead of night in the middle of the forest. The material thus collected in a bottle was yellowish in colour possessing the property essentially of a hydrated aluminum silicate and containing small amounts of other bases of asorbing grease and oil. Before making use of this material in the preparation of Muppu, the Universal Salt, the oily substance is removed first by the aid of acid, and Amuri, as per Siddhic methods of purification for ten times and the solid salt thus obtained is allowed to dry in the hot sun.
Pooneeru is seldom administered as single medicament but used as one of the main ingredients of Muppu (The Universal Salt) which serves as a catalytic agent. But it is still a matter of great doubt for many that Siddhars might have collected something else in the fullers earth deposit; because in modern times, the chemical and physical properties of fullers' earth are fully analysed. Fullers earth is extensively used for commercial purposes such as for cleaning cloths, in purifying edible oils, as a carrier for basic dyes, . and as a laboratory absorbent for the determination of the colouring matter in whisky, vinegar etc. Fullers' earth is one of the ingredients used to check watery diarrhoeas and dysentery. The anti-diarrhoeal effects, according to a manual of Pharmacology, are explained by the more solid consistent) of the stools; by the checking of bacterial growth and by absorp tion of the irritant putrefactive products (Kraus and Barbara 1915) "Hydrous magnesium- trisilicate is used as antacid., and absorbent Q treating gastric hyperacidity and the . pain of peptic ulcer
CFor details, Vide Magnesium trisilicate Tablets, U.S.P. and Fubllers" earth /hydrous alumi urn Silicate; Pase 33 and 111 the manual of Pharmacology bv forald Sjllmann—-948.)
(2) Kallappu : It literacy means hard salt or stone salt. The correct interpretation of the term or its identification
A12G3 — 13.3
Fe203 — 9.8
GaO — 4.9
MgO — 2.0
Alkalis — 1.8
H20 — 14.2
(Thorpe's dictionary c f Applied chemistry)
would be very difficult as the same is referred to in some texts either as rock salt dug out from the mines under the earth or as the saline deposits formed underneath the sea or consoli¬dated non-volatile salt specially prepared by Siddhar or the froth of the sea floating on the water. It remains still a mystery, for no systematic investigation seems to have been made in this regard. However, the *special characteristics of this salt, as described in texts, are that it stands the test of fire and water. Being insoluble in water but melting in fire as a metallic subs¬tance, it is highly regarded as very useful in consolidating the mercury and other metals etc.
(3) Vediyuppu : This is nothing but potassium nitrate, It-is first subjected to a cleaning process for s even times and further purification by its unfriendly substance alum. It is an active agent in alchemy.Let me confine myself to a brief account in describing the pro¬cess of Muppu as described by Ukimuni. The salts mentioned above, if correctly understood and identified, are three in num¬ber which are considered to be the main ingredients in the process of Muppu. These are purified with the sacred water Amuri and also with the juice of certain rare Kalpa plants. These salts are also subjected to purification by the nitric acid specially pre¬pared with friendly and unfriendly salts. Finally, these salts are calcinated. After completing this process, mercury, corrosive
sublimate, bichloride of mercury, sulphur, arsenic, mica etc.
are subjected to purification with suitable medicinal plants and
rendered as non-volatile substances owing to the combination
of unfriendly and friendly drugs. All these nonvolatile substances
are then subjected to fire for calcination as per the methods
described in Siddha works. The calcinated powder is then added
to the three salts already calcinated. The operation of Muppu
is said to be completed then. It has now powerful action on
any metal like gold, copper, magnet and iron. It has
got the power to conquer everything and can penetrate every solid.
The glory of preparing Siddhar Kalpa from Muppu, mer¬cury, sulphur, gold magnet, iron etc, to be used as a panacea for degenerative diseases like cancer etc. will then be achieved With the aid of this powerful Muppu. The calcination of gold leaves is easily performed. The calcined oxide of high potency (pre¬pared from the three super salts and the nonvolatile substances like mercury, sulphur and gold leaves) is now highly regarded as the Elixir of life which can be safely administered to the system to rejuvenate the degenerated cellular organisms for living a longer and useful life
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